Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Must Be Sick

Yea, I must be sick. I woke up this morning at 4:10 and was done sleeping!!! This almost never happens to me, I'm usually dragging my ass into work late, and consider "morning people" to be sick in the head!!!

They're having me make that 4-up tool that was the first one I made again. They want to make the whole thing about 1/8" deeper, so I'm able to just make some mods to my programs and re-do the whole thing. I'm also cutting it in a 3/8" thick plate instead of 1/2" this time, and I finished all the cutting today. I'd taken my new mP3 player in yesterday to show it to Sammy and Rafi, and ended up listening to it while the CNC was doing the hard work. I was glad I had it with me!!! Brought it again today. Gotta get some new 'phones for it, it came with these little plastic discs about the diameter of a dime and slightly less comfortable!!! Interesting, I cut 4 cavities 10" square by 3/16" deep, plus all the detail and vacuum channeling on the back.... I took a bit more than half the metal out of it!!! It's amazingly light now!!!

Reggie the reptile in the Harbor City lake is in the news again, they just did a story that T-bone the gator wrangler from Louisiana said he's getting him TONIGHT!!! We'll see. Guess he finally got that liability insurance squared away. He had a group of Cajun musicians doing a song for him, it was pretty entertaining. There was an article in the weekly Outdoors section in that yellow rag I get, the L.A. Times about how if he wasn't caught soon, and didn't eat anyone's chilluns or beloved family pets, it would actually be good for the lake. Thin the ranks of non-native species in the lake and the overpopulation of ducks.

Lilly, don't worry too much about not being able to get your other blog working, ain't too much going on there. I keep posting there, exact mirror of the MySpace one, and it doesn't get the attention there. I get comments there, but they all seem to have links to other sites built in. Here's one of my favorites:
"I definitely don't have all the answers, but I know that as long as people keep sharing ideas like this, the truth will eventually reveal itself and maybe it can make a difference somewhere.
I think this blog rocks! Keep up the good work, I've bookmarked it and will definitely swing by again soon.
Feel free to pay a visit to my Canada immigration site. (linked, I didn't link it find it your damned self if you're that interested) It might not be your "cup of tea", but it covers Canada immigration related topics."

OK, I'll keep that in mind in my search for the truth and make a diffrence while on my life quest to immigrate to Canada, eh???

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