Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I have dreamed of a black car that shimmers and drives

I have dreamed of a black car that shimmers and drives
Down the length of the evening to the carnival side
In a house where regret is a carousel ride
We are spinning and spinning and spinning...

That was one of the songs Counting Crows did last night, entitled St. Robinson and his Cadillac Dream. Interesting choice, and cool that they did it, that song has been stuck in my head for the past couple weeks!!! Here's the set list they did:

1 Round Here
2 Recovering the Satellites
3 Amy Hit the Atmosphere
4 Mr Jones
5 August and Everything After
6 Children in Bloom
7 Ghost Train
8 New Frontier
9 Black and Blue
10 Goodnight Elizabeth
11 St Robinson and his Cadillac Dream
12 Rain King
13 Chelsea

I've heard August and Everything After before, its something of a rarity, but I managed to download a recording of it, quite possibly from the very show I saw them perform it at when I first heard it. It was done with quite a bit of drum this time, different that what I'd heard before. Almost like a march is how it sounded.

Another point of interest is in "Rain King" they inserted portions of "Someone to Watch Over Me". They often put other songs in there, second time I saw 'em they put "Oh Susannah" in there, it was pretty amusing.

On the whole, most of the songs were changed, at least subtlety, from the album versions. A lot of the songs were, in my opinion, a little too much on the band and not enough orchestra. Not complaining, tho, I really enjoyed it!!!

I've got to go on a bit about the venue, too!!! This was my first time going to the Disney Concert Hall, excepting the trip I made down there to pick up the tickets. It's an impressive structure from the outside, and its even better inside!!! The walls and seats climb steeply, and it looks like most of the seats are good. The acoustics are excellent, as would be expected. The seats I had, I was concerned that wouldn't be that great. They are called "orchestra view" seats, meaning that they are behind the orchestra. Mine were on the very end of the fifth row. Doesn't sound too promising, does it??? Well, the conductor was positioned off to the left side of the stage and a bit back, and Adam was in the middle. He spent most of the show turned around facing the conductor to watch his cues, so he was facing right towards us!!! The crowd (I heard someone saying the place only holds 2,000 people) was a bit loud for the first couple of songs, but Adam told everyone that they just needed to chill and let the conductor be able to hear what was happening, and for the most part everyone did.

Oh yea, as I said in my previous post, I did manage to record the whole thing. Even the part at the beginning where they do an announcement that recording at this venue is prohibited!!! Still haven't figured out what to do about those pesky codecs but I have an idea of another way to deal with that problem. Its not the best recording, but its all there, and my latest version of Nero has some mixing and clean-up utilities I'm gonna try on it. Of course, it came out to be something like 87 minutes, so it can't all fit on one CD. I can probably edit a lot of the talking between songs out and get it shortened down enough to do that with.

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