Saturday, September 03, 2005

Holy Guacamole!!!

I discovered something very cool today. I was out doing some of the constantly required yardwork, and my youngest comes up to me with this dried up seed pod looking thing and asks me what it is. I tell him its a seed pod of some kind. Just a bit after that I found another one, only it was split open, and I could see the seed. Turns out to be an avocado!!! I've known that I had an avocado tree since I moved in, but I thought it needed a fertile branch grafted in so it would produce. This is the first time in the 10 years I've had this house that it's ever produced fruit!!! I picked 9 more. I'm going to have to top and shape it some now, I think. Well, maybe after this season is completely over. It had been cut down in the past, and it's grown a new tree out of the stump of the old one, so maybe it was just still getting over the trauma of having been cut down. My wife had just been saying how she wished we had an avocado tree that produced, and I was saying I think ours needs fertilized. Anyway, I see guacamole in my future!!!

Speaking of yardwork, I found the receipt for that piece of shit Toro weed eater last week. (if your not familiar, you can click here to read about it) I didn't think I had saved it. Just for kicks, I took it back to home depot to get my money back, already thinking I'd be wasting my time. After standing in line for too long I got my turn. I put it on the counter, and I swear, the bubblehead chick running the return desk looks at the 4 or 5 pieces and then at me, and asks me, "what's wrong with it???" I was nearly speechless!!! She had to call a rep from the garden area, who wouldn't OK the return, so I had to talk to a manager, who also wouldn't OK a return. It would have been OK with them if I'd exchanged it for the same one.... ummm, I don't think I'd take one of those pieces of shit if you gave it to me free!!! Of course, I might could get that and return it in a couple weeks.... I do have intentions of making a pain in the ass of myself over it, at my convince, of course. I knew I had to share all that with you when it happened!!!

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