Saturday, July 23, 2005

With a vengeance

It feels like summer has finally come, and with a vengeance. Very warm, and it doesn't cool off much overnight so you wake up feeling all sticky. Wery pleasant. The news keeps going on about how there's going to be thunderstorms and rain and such, but, as usual, they're full of shit. I tend to think its because they've shifted their focus from being in L.A. proper and the true southland basin to all these outlying desert areas that have been graded and developed into houses in the past dozen or so years. I think that has a lot to do with the "power crises" we keep having, too. Everyone out there running their air conditioners. You know, back when I was growing up, I don't think I even knew anyone who had an air conditioner!!! Now they go on and on about schools not even being air conditioned, how can the chillun learn anything without air conditioning??? I did OK, and I didn't have air conditioning at my school growing up!!! How did I learn anything under those deplorable conditions???

OK, there's my geezer rant for the day...

I went down to my parents house yesterday and did some paint stripping on my Falcon. I left it down there back when I broke my finger, because my dad was taking body shop class again and was going to be taking it in and doing some paint prep on it. I hadn't been driving it too much because back when I got in a wreck in it it threw off the alignment and has subsequently worn out the front tires. I didn't want to get the alignment done because I wanted to drop the front end a little (which I did, but of course broke my finger in the process) and fabricate a brace between the lower A arms and a monte carlo bar, to beef it up and hopefully help it hold alignments better. Probably improve the handling too. I know there's a trick where you can re-locate the holes for the upper A arms it improve handling (an old Shelby trick), but I don't know if I'd go that far. Anyway, I did make up a template for the cross brace I want to make, too. Time to get that thing to where I feel more comfortable taking it on the road!!! Kind of sucks paying insurance on it and not driving it.

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