My take on living in LA, CA, USA, and the world, along with funny stuff and pictures, friends and family
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
I never cease to be amused
My work has sent me to CNC training this week. The manufacturer of the extra machine we have at work offers free training on their equipment as long as you own it, for as many operators as you have (or would like to have) running it. Its been working out quite well for me, its only from 8 AM until 2 PM, but its Monday till Friday, so I won't get my Friday off this week. Everything that they've been teaching me is fairly simple and basic, but near impossible if you don't know what your doing, so this is great for me. My classmates include three Guardsmen from Missouri and a young black kid of only 17, among others. The kid (funny how you get to thinking of teenagers as kids at some point there) is quite vocal and has a lot of questions and comments, and he is so green!!! He can't picture life outside of Cali I don't think, and his interactions with the guys from Missouri have been most amusing. They've been to Iraq and Kuwait, so they have a lot to tell about. They keep trying to convince him that he should join the Guard, and of course he's having none of it. I wish I could remember some of the exchanges between them to relate here, but of course I can't. The Guardsmen wanted to go see the world-famous West Coast Choppers down in Long Beach, so I gave them directions on how to get there the other day. They went down there yesterday, and then on to Boyd Coddington's shop, who let them into the machine shop to check out what he has in the works. Good that they were able to get that in on their visit out here. They've got a Chrysler 300 for their rental car, which reminds me, I saw one of those on the road the other day that had been stretched into a limo. And I thought they looked massively slab-sided before!!!
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