Enjoy What You Have. Hope For What You Want. That little nugget of fortune cookie wisdom was brought my way by... *drumroll* a fortune cookie. I went to the Dodgers-vs-Cubs game tonight with my oldest son and a bunch of friends and co-workers. For his dinner there my son wanted that traditional ballpark fare, Chinese food!!! I had a Dodger Dog, and of course, peanuts (alas, I had no cracker jacks). Got two fortune cookies, and that was my fortune. My son got 'The Next Full Moon Will Bring You Luck'. I noticed it did not specify whether it would be good or bad luck, so I think I prefer 'Enjoy What You Have. Hope For What You Want.' Always a good philosophy, and I think I follow it without any conscious effort.
The game was enjoyable, although suffice it to say it was a shame. There were several Cubs fans in attendance (that's actually the reason we were all at the game, my good friend Sammy is from Chicago and LOVES his Cubs. I'm glad he got to see 'em whup up on the Dodgers). Thing I wonder is, if Chicago is so great, what are all these Chicogans doing in Los Angeles??? Must be easier to love it from afar??? Dunno. I'd love to visit there sometime, I hear its a culinary plethora. I've only been through O'Hare, running from one end to the other to make a transfer. Sammy and I have discussed taking a little vacation out there to see the sights and taste the tastes. I've had Mustard's Chicago style hot dogs (vienna beef) and a deep dish pizza from a place called Chicago Pizza Works, and they've both been very tasty, but also both in SoCal, so I'd like to try 'em on native soil. Now there's something to hope for!!!
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