I did manage to log more than six and a half hours, though, and it was profitable. The big one I trained was construction, one of the most expensive skills to train. I led up to the weekend by cutting willow logs and having them made into planks. As soon as the weekend started, I used them up for three levels advancement!!!
I also worked on my slayer assignment, which I leveled on, and just as I was getting ready to leave the area, finished off my last fire giant to complete that assignment!!!
I ran several loads of rune essence to the nature altar until I leveled my runecrafting, and also got a pair of the strange rocks for the Shattered Heart distraction & diversion for that skill.
Finished off the weekend by doing some hunter training, leveling that skill and obtaining the strange rocks for that skill also. As of this evening, all I'm missing for the complete set is one more for cooking.