Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bin Twins

Here's an amusing one. A year or so after I started at this job, they hired a stock keeper. One of the other stock keepers (I'll call him G) started telling people he was my older brother. Hooked several people with that tale. He's built similarly to me, but a bit taller. His nose isn't as lumpy as mine, but more rounded. Similar mannerisms. I made a point to point him out to my wife at the Christmas party that year. She said, "He doesn't look anything like you!!!"

Yesterday we got a new supervisor. I can't even tell you how many they've gone through since I've been there, but suffice it to say they don't seem to have a very long shelf life. One of the original supervisors was walking her around introducing her. At lunch yesterday, the new stock keeper (who in the last few months has been made a filler) tells me that the new supervisor came up to him and asked him how he got that nickname, calling him by my nickname!!! His response: "Have you been talking to stock keeper G???"

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Random Tienanmen CupDate

First time in a while I've actually gotten to do any cup artwork!!! For most of the day, I had just the text at the top, which reads, "It was 20 years ago today". One girl asked me what that was for, and I told her it was, in addition to being a lyrical reference, the day of the Tienanmen Square incident. She was unfamiliar with the story!!! I told her she should answer, "It was before my time".

Later in the day, I added the lower text, "Is fashion the reason they were there". Another lyrical allusion. Most of the tank I added in on my afternoon break.

Last Friday I went by Frys because they had laptop cooling pads for only $10, and notebook locks for $12. The cool pads were sold out, though. I did, however, pick up a patch cord for headphone jack to headphone jack. Been wanting one of those for a while, now I can play my MP3 player through Janice's radio!!!

School is doing their Spirit week this week. The older boy used one of my shirts that I got from Shirt.Woot. It has a bird made of newspaper origami. It's pretty cool, looks like the heading says "Freedom", then in other areas it appears to say "Press" and "Religion", only all the places it seems to say these things are two different pages.

Four days this week I've worked middle shift. I've had enough.

I've been driving Janice this week. I'm trying to determine what kind of mileage she gets. Not too easy, because the odometer is broken!!! I've been taking my GPS along and using it to track the distance traveled.

I wore my Mario shirt today, and two different people picked up on exactly what it was of, without it needed to be pointed out. I think this was the first time that's happened!!!

One of my co workers was sitting on the couch next to the end a few months back. He was the only one there, and I sat down on the very end next to him. I said something to the effect of, "This doesn't seem too chummy, does it???" It was all in jest, but he hasn't let me live it down. Now whenever we see each other, we'll say things like "heya, chummy!!!"

The bird shirt (which I thought was appropriate, because it is, after all, black and white and read all over) was a mystery shirt that they had for the devilish price of $6.66. It had a picture of a shirt with a blurry question mark on the site. When I first got it, I thought that I would have preferred one with a blurry question mark, but it has since grown on me.

Did anyone see the beginning of Craig Ferguson's show last night??? He did a lip sync of They Might Be Giants' version of "Istanbul", it was pretty amusing.

I've been trying to come up with some sort of algorithm for what kind of mileage I'd have to get with Janice to be better financially. At a rate of 25 cents a gallon less for diesel fuel, I figure I'd have to get around 26.8 MPG or better. What I really need is a chart with varied mileage and varied price curves delineated so I could easily see.

That spiral galaxy image is from another shirt from Woot. They were doing a pointillism design contest, where all the images were of small dots of primary colors. I got this shirt, along with a maroon one for my wife that depicts Pandora and her friends. They both tied for winning, so they offered both for one $10 price. I couldn't pass it up!!!

I took the picture of my wife over the weekend. I thought her hair looked rather 80's.

My chum was telling the guy I was working with today to be careful, I might get chummy with him. I replied, "Hey, thats just with you!!! See how you make me sound like a chum slut!!!"

I'm realizing that by the time I post this, it'll be twenty years and a day!!!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Belizean Birthday

Over the weekend we observed my dad's birthday. We went to their house, where my sister's boyfriend made a nice dinner from his native Belize. Tasty chicken that falls off the bone, seasoned potatoes, interesting veggie stew and fresh fruit. The only thing we'd been asked to bring was for me to decorate up a cake. This was my mom's idea, and once again, I think the cake came out quite nicely!!!