Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What a Day!!!

Indeed, what a day!!! I'm so glad to finally be home!!! I got to work today and started in on machining a head for a sealing machine. I wrote a program for it yesterday, but it was too big to fit in my CNC's meager memory. I tried to DNC (I think that stands for direct numerical control) feed it the program, but it wasn't working right. First attempt I've made to do that. Well, this morning I wrote two new programs for it, only cutting half at a time. They came out small enough to work, around 1,300 lines each, which isn't really that big of a program. By way of contrast, this very page probably takes up more kilobytes than the simple text program I'd written. Cut the first half, and it came out smashingly!!! I was pleased. Then, with the help of the other (guess you'd call him the senior) CNC programmer-operator, tried DNC'ing the second half. Didn't work. I loaded it in the memory and started cutting it, and it came out good, too. Oh yea, it still does the
thing if you don't shut down and re-start the machine in between. Wrote two more programs to do final clean-up cuts on both cavities with smaller cutters. Other CNC guy remembers something else on DNC'ing and we tried that, once again it doesn't work. I cut the first one normal, then try to do the second one. The tool changer goes to change to the appropriate cutter, and it sticks in the changing position!!! Keyboard and everything freezes up. I re-start it again, and now my video screen doesn't come on right, its all blasted with pixels. Shut down and pull the video cards and re-seat 'em, and it works, tool changer retracts, all seems well.
It thinks that it has tool 1 in the spindle, when I can clearly see it's got tool 2 in there!!! I pop tool 2 out, and give it the command to change to tool 2, and the changer crashes the spindle into the side of tool 1 that's really still hanging in the changer!!! GRRRRRR!!! Eventually I got it straightened out, after I took a break and ate some lunch, and let everything cool down. Cut the final cut and was happy once more. Flipped the plate over to cut a little groove in the back, the final finishing touch, and once again the video won't work right!!! Messed with it for a while, then left it cooling once more and came back around an hour later. Still didn't work. Fuck it, that's enough for the day.

Left just a bit after 7, and I swear traffic was worse tonight than last night when I left at 5:30!!! Bunch of assholes out on the road, of course, too. Had 2, almost 3 cars change lanes as if I wasn't even there!!! Maybe a white car is just too invisible. I'll keep you posted.

Got another hit on Where's George when I checked my E-mail. Always cool when that happens. This one was from Nacogdoches, Texas, one year and 79 days after I'd entered it. That makes 347 total hits!!! Lucky number 347!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Actually, he never left, but you all gotta see this!!! He's been feeling flu-ish for a few days, so his mom applied this ancient Asian remedy, you may have heard of the stuff (I had), Tiger Balm. If you haven't heard of it, its similar to Vicks vapo-rub. The part I hadn't heard of is this method of application. Apparently, you take a coin (or they sell a coin-on-a-stick implement for this) and vigorously rub it into the skin, and it helps to open the pores and draw out toxins and stuff. He showed me this morning and I was amazed!!!

WOW!!! He also had some on his chest, you can check that here. Guess it worked, he said he was feeling 100% better this morning. Purely psychosomatic, I'm sure.

The car rental company called me yesterday. They wanted their Hyundai back. That was really a nice car!!! I especially enjoyed the sunroof, I had it open most of the time I was driving it!!! Now I've got a Malibu, I'll give my full report on it later, but so far it seems pretty good. The engine is snarlier, and has more torque I can tell, and it has a couple of other nice touches the Hyundai didn't. One I especially like is the radio continues playing until you exit the car, very cool!!! The timing was pretty good too, I was preparing to send a certified letter to Infinity insurance asshole adjustors' supervisor, now I've got another receipt to send along. Next stop after that will be the courthouse, I think.

Seems like there was something else I wanted to blog about, but damned if I can remember it!!! Oh well!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Home Again

Back already from my camping!!! It was good. Could have stayed another night, but I had to get back to my blog!!! I want to camp some more, fortunate I bought the annual wilderness pass so I'm good to go. Bonehead move, I forgot to bring flashlights and coat hangers for marshmellows!!! Fortunately my dad and nephew came up, late but not too late, and they had extra flashlights and marshmellow forks. We hiked up to the falls today, then up a fire road.

A really good weekend so far!!! And I got to come back and shower off the camping yuck feel, and catch up with my loved ones online!!!
Life is good!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hey everybody!!! I gotta get going but I had something exciting happen this morning!!! My youngest took his first dump in the toilet!!!

There he goes!!! OK, see if my HTML junk works OK in here or what, I've noticed mistakes before and have yet to figure out how to edit stuff on here.

I also updated my wallpaper page this morning. Pretty cool picture from the L.A. Times, I used yellow text to go with their yellow journalisim!!! Last night at class I set Highway None, a previous selection, as my wallpaper and the teacher came to help me with printer problems and was tripping on it.

Damnit Lilly I wanna play wit you and Granny while you're all 12-packed up!!! I'd head back tomorrow night early enough to catch yalls, but sounds like you'll be at a kid's party. Oh well, I'll have fun with you later on, and I'll have some fun of my own anyhow!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Let the Weekend Begin!!!

Today was a pretty good day. Woke up kinda late, but still managed to get in my 40 hours this week, even leaving kinda short today to get to school. I kept busy enough at work, but not too busy, but not to where I'll be getting behind. I wrote a little simple program for a collet holder tool, not even a hundred lines, and cut it out. Basically a big hole cut all the way thru a block of aluminum, with an even larger hole stepped out halfway through, and a couple of slots cut in either side. I came out great!!! The owner is going to call a guy to come out and give my baby some love, hopefully fix the inverter problem its having, so that's good news.

Class went well tonight, except we were having a lecture to start out with tonight, and I was having trouble staying awake for that!!! Funny how I'm having no such trouble now. Sammy was going around all tired all day today, and didn't come tonight. I think he's flaking out, but hey, that's his prerogative.

taking my firstborn up camping for sure tomorrow. My dad is going to pick up my nephew and bring him up, too. Not sure if we'll just stay overnight then hike to the falls the next day and come home, or if it'll be two nights. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

No Cure For Blog Addiction

Well my ladies Lilly and Granny are getting their MySpace pages all done up nice now!!! I hadn't even realized Lilly's tiger is named "Pisspot" until later!!! Maybe if I'd noticed that before I wouldn't have poked him in the butt with my cursor so much!!! Very cool that I was able to finally check out Granny's stuff. Interesting tho, that the comment she posted for me to check it out was attached to a blog post I did back on August 31st!!! Just maybe she hasn't gotten EVERYTHING quite figured out...

I got in touch with my nephew yesterday and scheduled for us to go flying around for a while on Sammy's birthday, a week from this Friday. I gotta get him something else too tho, after how he did it up for my birthday. Ironic that the very day after I get that set up there's a Jet Blue flight that has a landing gear malfunction and has to make an emergency landing. At LAX, no less, an airport that they don't even fly out of!!! One thing I hadn't thought of, all the seats on Jet Blue have DirectTV screens on them!!! You could watch your flight going down in flames!!! Fortunately, the pilot did an excellent job sticking the landing, didn't even buckle the front gear as most commentators thought would likely happen!!! Good job!!! I like Jet Blue a lot, I think its the best airline I've ever flown on. I just wish they had more routes and flight times.

Another interesting thing in the news about the Harbor City gator Reggie, they had a guy who'd been displaced out of the swamps of Louisiana here who said he could get him. They sent him packing tho, due to his not having liability insurance. Ummmm, isn't a gator in your lake something of a liability already??? Anyway, he called the boat that the other gator wranglers from Florida had "retarded" LMAO!!! That was yesterday. Today in the paper the wranglers from Florida were reported to be heading home. Apparently they took offense to their boat being called retarded!!! No lie, that was the gist of the article!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I can't believe I forgot...

Yesterday was talk like a pirate day, and I didn't once use the catch-all pirate phrase "AYE!!!"

I had a hard time getting out of work tonight, some asshole had parked in front of the driveway. Took three different numbers before I finally got in touch with parking enforcement. They said they were sending someone out, but 20 minutes later they hadn't gotten there. Shortly after that asshole took off, so all's well that ended well. I wouldn't have been so pissed if I'd still been on the clock :Þ Next time that shit happens I'm breaking out the forklift!!!

I tried to see Granny's page and see if she had any new stuff on her page or blog, but it said it was undergoing maintenance. WHAAAAAA!!!

Is there such a thing as blog addiction???

Monday, September 19, 2005

Avast, Me Mateys!!!

Yarrrrr!!! I heard on a couple of the radio stations today that today is 'talk like a pirate day'!!! I thought that was so appropriate on the day after I added the "what kind of pirate am I?" quiz on my MySpace site!!! Unfortunately, there are not enough responses to find out yet. Shiver me timbers!!!

It was a stupid day at work. I finished the tool I've been working on since two Fridays ago this morning, and I'm quite pleased with the results. I was even able to plot out the die line for Sammy to cut. OK, hold on, this is where things get stupid!!! We don't have the material in stock to run it!!! We'll have it towards the end of the day, OK, no biggie. The pressure box we have isn't the right length. More of a biggie. The trim station top is too wide to cut against.... not a huge problem, but one more thing that must be done. The bottom trim station doesn't have the proper size legs. Fairly major problem. This job has been in the works ten days that I know of, I'm positive at least one more than that, and it takes until NOW to take a look at these minor details???

When I got home from work tonight there was a Sunday New York Times in my driveway. I had to wonder why anyone would get the New York Times in L.A.??? Less yellow journalism and media bias??? Not likely.

I just went outside and turned the sprinklers off, and wouldn't you know it, its RAINING!!!

My oldest's comp has gremlins. On Thursday I found out he's got some kind of boot sector failure. I put in a different hard drive (couldn't find the one he used to have in there that may or may not have had a workable operating system on it) and ghosted a clean operating system onto it. I updated it on the microsoft site, and now the damned internet explorer doesn't work right. And it spontaneously reboots, although I've gotten that problem largely reduced. Major pain in the ass, now I know why people hate microsoft!!!

I'm glad to see Granny is figuring out how to do stuff on MySpace. I see she has a video and a kitty on there now. Way to go, girl!!!

Friday, September 16, 2005

New Theme Music For ÃÝË!!!

Well, if you read my last post here and were wondering, no, I did not end up going camping today. After therapy I had to go and get a wilderness pass (I paid $30.00 for the one year pass, I intend to camp at least one other time this year) and then to Fry's Electronics cuz they had McAffe virus scan plus firewall for free after rebates, and by the time I made it home it was 6:00 and starting to get dark. We'll go next weekend, right after school gets out instead. My virus scan has been reminding me for the last 6 months or so that it's expired. Don't know why I buy it, I use the free online scanners at Trend Micro and Panda, as well as using Ad Aware and they all seem to catch and clean stuff as well as or better than McAffe's does. Guess it's because it's been pretty much free to update it ever since I got my first comp in '99.

Hey, if you looked at my profile on MySpace, I figured out how to do cool stuff with it!!! If you noticed, its sinister now!!! (Sinister being from the Latin meaning "left handed", just something I learned from watching The Simpsons. Educational as well as entertaining!!!) I found this Site that easily generates the HTML to change your shit around. All I was really looking for was WHERE to insert the tag for the background color (you know, grey is my favorite color) and I found it. Apparently all you have to do is put your HTML tags in the "about me" place on your profile edit. But, that site you can change alot of stuff up, so I did!!! Another thing I found is a site that hosts a bunch of music videos to paste into your music area. If you noticed, I've got "Mr. Brightside" in there now. Love that tune!!! My new theme song, huh??? That one and "Sugar We're Going Down" by Fallout Boy, but they didn't have a video for that. Mmmmmm, going down..... "Wishing to be the friction in your jeans" YEAH!!! Rock on, Fallout Boy!!!

I finished up cutting the tool I was making at work. It came out great, but my machine is indeed fucked up, most likely from our power outage. The owner filed a claim with the LA DWP over it, but probably they won't do anything. I was able to manually edit my program and cut the time it took to cut in half!!! I'm really getting the hang of it now!!! Anyway, the fuckup of which I spoke is the inverter that I mentioned in my last post. I have to shut down the machine (manually with a big knife switch, seems so wrong to shut down a comp, albeit a rudimentary one, like that!!!) after every spindle shut down. $6000.00 for a replacement inverter. My poor baby needs some LOVIN'!!! We'll see if our guy can handle fixing it up first. MAINTENANCE!!!

Since we didn't get to camping tonight, I made up a little camp fire in my old barbecue and we all toasted marshmallows over it. It's a really good night out, not too cold, clear, and a full moon!!! It was my youngest's first time even seeing a camp fire, and having toasted marshmallows, and he really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blackout Revisited

I didn't make mention here of the famous L.A. blackout on Monday. It didn't affect me a whole lot, or so it seemed.... The power at work was only off for less than I minute I'd guess (as opposed to by my home, where it must have been out for 15 minutes or more. My youngest boy is potty training, and he enjoyed sitting in the bathroom with a candle going, I hear) I had my CNC on, but not running when the juice cut out, and just a bit after it came back on Tom (Sammy's dad) notices there's smoke coming out of the top of it!!! I bust ass over there and cut the power, and get a look at where its coming from. On the top of the back panel there's a punched metal enclosure, and it looks like a rod like a heating element in there. Its glowing red, and there's even a little fire burning on one end. After it burns itself out I look inside the panel, and there's only two wires going up there, and the closer I look the more it looks like a heating element!!! I was leery of turning it back on, so I called tech support and asked 'em what the heating element on the top of the thing is. Turns out its some kind of thing to dissipate the charge in the power inverter that does the speed control for the motor. They said to go ahead and turn it back on, and if it doesn't work I'm gonna need a new inverter. I turn it on, and everything seemed fine. I finished writing the proggie I was working on, and ended up running it yesterday (typical stupid shit at my work, this is a priority job, yet I didn't end up getting the metal to cut it into, ready since Monday morning, until after 4:00 yesterday!!! Don't come bitching to me....) Anyway, yesterday night I ended up cutting nearly half of the tool, the first actual milling that I've done on CNC, a big thrill for me!!! I was very pleased with the results. Got in today and finished the half I was working on today, moved my fixturing around and roughed the other half. I'd been thinking of a way to clean up the program and speed things up, so I stopped at this point and modified it. Afterwards I went to run it, but I ended up getting an error message:


Damit!!! Strange that would happen after working fine for more than a day...

I went over to my parent's house after work today to get sleeping bags. I'm planning on taking my firstborn camping this weekend. The street in front of their house has been tore up for a few weeks, because there was a low spot in front of their house that was always wet, and usually green and scummy. Perfect place for west nile mosquitos!!! Anyway, they're putting in all new curb and gutters. My dad had the driveway widened some time ago from 2 cars to 3 cars, but he didn't have the ramp widened, having to go through permits. Well, he kept asking them about it, and they ended up making it 3 feet wider each way!!! I tell you, that's a good looking driveway ramp!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Last of the Mohegans

Got into work today, and Sammy told me that they'd fired Gab's ass. He was the last of five other employees who came to work at this dump when our company was bought out by them in 2000. He was always saying to me "we're the last of the Mohegans!!!!" He came in later, and I heard a quite different story from him, but oh well. He had been getting quite lackadaisical with his work, think it was time. I'm surprised he stayed on that long, he lives way the hell out there, I think around 60 miles or so.

I did as I'd wanted and got those tickets that I desired over the weekend. I've just been feeling ecstatic pretty much ever since!!! I'm SO looking forward to this!!!

It's late. I must play runescape for a bit and go to sleep.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Hey, where's my day off???

I ended up going into work today again. I miss my 3-day weekends when I do that, but it seemed like a pretty good day today anyhow. I went in and wrote a program for this tray tooling that I'll probably be making next week. Only thing is, the coolant in my Fadal needed cleaned out. Its been in there for something like 3 years or more, and it was pretty rancid. That's how I spent the later part of my day. The stuff was pretty nasty, it had a layer of oil on the top, then under that it had what looked like the skin that grows on old pudding, only slightly less appetizing. Gotta do just a little more clean up on Monday morning, then fill it up and I should be good to go.

Picked teams for he regular football season pool the other day. I stayed with my pick from last year, the Steelers. Pennsylvania has been good to me. I don't follow it that close, but I have a general idea who's got a decent team. They already beat the Patriots in pre season play, and I like their schedule for regular season play. If Ben Roethlisberger has a year like last year, I should do well. I hope. Is 2 years in a row asking too much???

Went to school last night, and I'm learning well. Sammy and I didn't want to carpool this time, because he didn't want to end up waiting if he finished earlier. Oh well, it makes for a little quicker trip going home, not that I mind getting home a little later. He's wondering why he's going, I don't think he can picture himself programming or running the CNC. He's doing well in class so far, but I think he's wanting to punk out. I tell him its always good to have extra stuff like that in your resume, even if you don't use it.

They caught "little Reggie", the second gator of which I spoke in my last post. Didn't need the "gator rustlers" that have been trying and failing to capture the big one, just the animal control people put out a net, and then as he worked free from that the fire department snared him with a net off their big ladder. One down, one to go!!!

The Counting Crows are doing a concert with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra at Walt Disney Concert Hall near the end of October. I'm considering checking out ticket prices, I'm sure it will be a great show. I can definitely picture a lot of their songs done to orchestral accompaniment!!! I made mention to my firstborn, and he expressed interest in going, too. Only thing, its on a Tuesday night, starting at 8:00. Why do they always do that??? I swear, every time I see them its on a week night!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

There Goes The Neighborhood!!!

I heard news about the Harbor City gator today for the first time in a couple weeks. As I figured, the wiley gator is still at large (its a good sized lake) but the news is another one has been spotted in a river that feeds into the lake!!! It would appear that we have an infestation!!! Of course, it makes you wonder now, are they breeding in there or what??? As it's often said, must be something in the water!!!

I had not made mention here yet, but I made chili on Monday in my new birthday crock pot. First time I've used it. I opened up the box and checked it out when I first got it, because the box was pretty beat up, but I didn't take it out of the plastic wraps or styrofoam. I was just making sure the lid and pot weren't broken. Well, getting a better look at it, it's all dented up on the outside!!! One of the stamped feet is a little collapsed, pushing up the inside, and the sides are wrinkled on the back. But the stoneware still fits down inside fine, and it works fine. I tell ya, every time I make it it comes out better!!! This is the best chili I've ever made, and I said the same thing last time, too!!! This time was better!!! I think it has a lot to do with cooking it with Heineken Dark beer, it has a great flavor when you drink it, and I think that translates well into the cooking too. I think it's my new favorite beer, I just wish it didn't cost so much. Well, I guess you get what you pay for!!!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Holy Guacamole!!!

I discovered something very cool today. I was out doing some of the constantly required yardwork, and my youngest comes up to me with this dried up seed pod looking thing and asks me what it is. I tell him its a seed pod of some kind. Just a bit after that I found another one, only it was split open, and I could see the seed. Turns out to be an avocado!!! I've known that I had an avocado tree since I moved in, but I thought it needed a fertile branch grafted in so it would produce. This is the first time in the 10 years I've had this house that it's ever produced fruit!!! I picked 9 more. I'm going to have to top and shape it some now, I think. Well, maybe after this season is completely over. It had been cut down in the past, and it's grown a new tree out of the stump of the old one, so maybe it was just still getting over the trauma of having been cut down. My wife had just been saying how she wished we had an avocado tree that produced, and I was saying I think ours needs fertilized. Anyway, I see guacamole in my future!!!

Speaking of yardwork, I found the receipt for that piece of shit Toro weed eater last week. (if your not familiar, you can click here to read about it) I didn't think I had saved it. Just for kicks, I took it back to home depot to get my money back, already thinking I'd be wasting my time. After standing in line for too long I got my turn. I put it on the counter, and I swear, the bubblehead chick running the return desk looks at the 4 or 5 pieces and then at me, and asks me, "what's wrong with it???" I was nearly speechless!!! She had to call a rep from the garden area, who wouldn't OK the return, so I had to talk to a manager, who also wouldn't OK a return. It would have been OK with them if I'd exchanged it for the same one.... ummm, I don't think I'd take one of those pieces of shit if you gave it to me free!!! Of course, I might could get that and return it in a couple weeks.... I do have intentions of making a pain in the ass of myself over it, at my convince, of course. I knew I had to share all that with you when it happened!!!

Has Anyone Else Made This Connection???

All the talk and images about Hurricane Katrina keeps triggering one of those thought-association thingys with me. Does anyone else remember the one-hit wonder "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves???

The hurricane has spawned an amazing amount of people saying idiotic things along with all the misery and destruction. One of the most off the wall comments was one I heard from a pastor at one of the AME churches, where they were having a rally about the "police brutality" suffered by Tony Muhammad of the nation of islam. I wish I knew who said it so it could be properly credited here. The pastor was asking if anyone had made the connection that the hurricane had a sista's name, and it occurred 50 years after the lynching of Emmett Till in Mississippi. He pretty much said that it was the spirits of all the mothers of slain black youth come to wreak vengeance. Yea, sure, that's it!!! That's why it only caused death and destruction of whitey and his property, huh???

Another prime example was by New Orleans Mayor Ray C Nagin, who, during an otherwise very lucid speech on CNN, was talking about the looting and lawlessness. He claimed that it was being committed by "a very small majority". Point taken, but hey, Mr. Mayor, contradiction in terms!!!

OK, now that I've shared some stupidity for your entertainment, CLICK HERE TO DONATE!!!